Getting Started

Installing SPS on CoreWeave

Setting up a CoreWeave account

To use Scalable Pixel Streaming on CoreWeave you will need to sign in to your account. If you don’t have a CoreWeave account for your business, reach out to their Sales Team to get started.

Performing installation

Check your namespace management menu to view your current resource quota and request a quota upgrade if you require more resources.

CoreWeave allows you to deploy resources across all supported geographic regions, thus Scalable Pixel Streaming only needs to be installed once at the account level. Follow these steps to perform the installation:

  1. Login to the CoreWeave Dashboard and navigate to “Catalog” in the sidebar.
  2. Search for “Scalable Pixel Streaming” in the catalogue and select the application.
  3. Click “Deploy” either on the top right or the bottom right of the page to proceed with the installation.
  4. Enter your desired name for the Scalable Pixel Streaming installation in the “Name” field at the top of the page. The name of your installation must conform to Kubernetes naming conventions:

    • Must not exceed 53 characters;
    • Must only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z and 0-9) and hyphens (-);
    • Must start with an alphabetic character (a-z);
    • Must end with an alphanumeric character (a-z or 0-9).
  5. Enter your Customer ID in the Customer ID field. A Customer ID is required to install Scalable Pixel Streaming and should have been provided to you by TensorWorks. If you do not know your Customer ID, please contact TensorWorks to obtain one.
  6. All other configuration options can be left at their default values and can be changed later.
  7. Once you are happy with the configuration, click “Deploy” on the bottom of the page to begin the installation process.
  8. Wait for the installation indicator near the top left of the page to display “Ready”.
  9. Take note of the details required to access the dashboard and REST API of this Scalable Pixel Streaming installation:

    • The “Access URLs” section lists the Endpoint URL used to access the REST API. This URL should start with api. and end with
    • The “Application Secrets” section lists the access key needed to authenticate with the dashboard and REST API, labeled “restapiaccesskey”. Click the eye icon to reveal the key, or the folder icon to copy it.

Keep your access details and keys secure!

The Endpoint URL and access key for the REST API are required to deploy Pixel Streaming applications to a given Scalable Pixel Streaming installation. Store these access details for each installation securely, and never share them with untrusted parties. If you ever lose these details, you can view them at any time by navigating to the “Applications” tab of Kubeapps and clicking on the entry for Scalable Pixel Streaming. If your access key is ever compromised, you can reset it manually.

You are now ready to prepare your Unreal Engine project for deployment.

Namespace configuration options

Refer to this section if you would like to modify the default stack configuration to better cater to your needs.

  • Primary GPU: the default GPU SKU that Pixel Streaming applications will use.
  • Secondary GPU: allows you to specify a fallback GPU SKU for use in the event that an instance of the default GPU SKU is not available.
  • CPU: the default CPU type used to run the Scalable Pixel Streaming control plane components.
  • Region: the default geographic region in which the Scalable Pixel Streaming control components will be deployed.
  • Include Demo: uncheck this toggle if you do not require a demo application in your Scalable Pixel Streaming installation.